Just finishing O+G before moving back to Grantown for my GPST3 year. O+G has been a really outstanding job, which I will miss. Though I am on the four year programme, the end of hospital jobs seems to have come round incredibly quickly and the question of what to do after completion of training seems a short time away. Before that, there is my ST3 year which is all general practice based in Grantown where I did my first block and, of course, the small issue of the CSA exam, for which I am doing some preparation with a group of other GPST3s. There is some formal preparation for this exam within the GPST3 course and a separate two day preparatory course is offered at Nairn every year. Most people however, also find themselves a group to work with. I am lucky to have found a group who work well together, and have a bit of a laugh and offload a few work gripes as well.